New toy. Serendipitous eBay find. Works well, popped a new ribbon in, reminded myself how things worked back in the day and I was off.

New toy. Serendipitous eBay find. Works well, popped a new ribbon in, reminded myself how things worked back in the day and I was off.
@vanessa Nice laptop, unlimited battery life and built in mechanical keyboard. 😉 I have an old Underwood and love it.
@vanessa how’s the wpm?
@cn Slower than I used to be! Oh the concentration when there’s no easy correction. I’ll get back into it though. 😳
@pimoore Absolutely. I trained on typewriters like this, then the early electric ones. Gotta like things you can just fix.
@vanessa That brings back memories of my Smith Corona electric typewriter I used for the longest time, even after getting my first Tandy computer.
@pimoore Sometimes you need something that just does that one job, but does it well with no distractions. I remember being amazed when the first ones came out which remembered a line of text, so you could review it first.
@vanessa That’s exactly what mine did, and it didn’t start actually printing the line until you pressed return.
@pimoore They seemed so clever didn’t they. I used a Brother like that, I think. And then we went on to WordStar on a computer…
@vanessa might go to word processing program for the longest time was WordPerfect 5.1. Blue screen, White text, and no fluff.
@vanessa Fun, as long as you don’t become too obsessed.
@jeremycherfas True. I don’t have the room for as many typewriters as I have fountain pens!
@jeremycherfas we don’t want @vanessa turning into Tom Hanks…
@cn I bet you might not mind if I had his money!! @jeremycherfas
@vanessa you’d be able to afford the space. @jeremycherfas
@cn True. And enough room for my current two pianos, plus the Steinway grand which would be the first thing I’d buy after the house. Then maybe typewriters, though probably more guitars. @jeremycherfas
@pimoore That was the successor to WordStar, I believe. It seemed so advanced in comparison! I think I used WP 4.0 for a while. Great software, did what you needed very efficiently.
@vanessa To be honest, how many typewriters does one person need, unless they’re collecting? A laptop and a desktop. That’s it.
@jeremycherfas True. I have one, I think that’s sufficient. I’m not collecting, that’s a road I don’t want to go down in this case. @cn
@vanessa a spare when something goes wrong is always handy @jeremycherfas
@cn @jeremycherfas @vanessa That’s it! They’re SPARES! (Now excuse me while I go mansplain to my wife the difference between “collecting” and “having spares”) 🥸
@jack In one of those interesting coincidences of life, this was in the local paper today.…
(The text is in Swedish but I think you’ll get the gist of it.)
@cn @jeremycherfas @vanessa
@MrHenko Fun, thanks! That’s a lot of spares :). I’m down to 4 or 5 myself, probably because I haven’t been using them lately. Only 3 are good typers anyway. It’s an easy hole to fall into “by accident” (@vanessa).
@jack I love the fact that you’re not entirely sure how many you have. 😄
@jack Oh I know that only too well! I don’t have the space for all the stuff I already have…
@MrHenko 179 spares.
@vanessa @jeremycherfas @cn I’d like to get one more typewriter at some point, but that will be my cutoff.
@jeremycherfas Well, you got to have something left when your original one, and 178 spares, break down. 🙂