@vanessa oh boy. I’m stuck on this one. I like the colors, aanndd the more I look, I like the details that I see in the black & white. Probably not helpful?!
@crossingthethreshold Thanks. I like both. As it’s a digital piece, I can switch between the two as I choose. I don’t use a lot of colour generally, so I thought I would see what I could do, just for a change.
@vanessa colours looks beautiful to me.
@vanessa I second @amit, the colo(u)rs are delightful
@vanessa oh boy. I’m stuck on this one. I like the colors, aanndd the more I look, I like the details that I see in the black & white. Probably not helpful?!
@crossingthethreshold Thanks. I like both. As it’s a digital piece, I can switch between the two as I choose. I don’t use a lot of colour generally, so I thought I would see what I could do, just for a change.