Wildflower planter contines to blossom. Quite pleased with the unstructured chaos.
Category: Micropost
Listening to the new Kate Tempest album: The book of traps and lessons. I have @bsag to thank for introducing me to Kate’s music.
Well that was sneaky: Twitterrific “update” turns out to be a whole new version and previous purchases no longer work to remove ads. I would have preferred to stay on the old version…
Decisions, decisions: colour, or black & white…
The lovely flowers I received as a thank you after last night’s concert.
Summer concert raised £760 for a local dementia charity. That makes all the hard work worth it. That and having strangers come up to me to compliment me on my playing; very kind of them.
A relaxing day today, practising for this weekend’s concert, followed by some drawing/card-making.
Gorgeous day today, so walked to the local country park, where a well-deserved iced coffee was consumed.
Hello little Ballerina rose.
The lovely ceiling in our parish church, with decorations for today’s music festival, which was a splendid occasion, celebrating just some of the rich musical talent in our fairly small town.