Finished reading Eruption, by Michael Crichton & James Patterson.
Tag: nature
Some beautiful shades of green on display, which serves to remind me how well Fuji cameras handle green. As did Fuji film, back in the day.

Another lovely Autumn walk in the park. Plenty of fungi around at the moment.
Feeling much better after a lovely walk, just me and the dog.

This morning I was very lucky to see the only (known) albatross in the northern hemisphere. Quite the handsome bird is Albert!
Also saw the usual crop of puffins, gannets and razorbills.
Good light this afternoon.

Always good to see some nice clouds lit by the sun.

Signs of Spring.

A lovely stroll through the Yorkshire Arboretum yesterday. Autumn colours starting to do their thing.
Lovely walk this morning, followed by coffee and cake at a farm shop.